Tuesday, November 27, 2012

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uot;Depend!Ain't I understand?You too small lo I, Lao Tze gives you analytical, didn't have a women to have a liking for you, the dead made track for not to put, but you since not think to be good with her, and then don't want to hurt her, right?"
Ling Lin Feng was surprised to get an one mouthful to swallowed into all of the wines in cup
, Light Yi way:"Yi!You how know,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, impossible!You aren't likely to know hers!"
The Chen Fei's your book tongue says:"Pei, I need not know her, as long as buy an origin second-gradely romantic novel, details like this greatly chase, you must be childe's elder brother whom the noble family comes out, the rich is again handsome, had better run away from marriage an end ground, then your fiancee is as of equal status as you, beautiful and rich, but you be would not like to, the somebody else dies to make track for lousy dozen, you also have several cents touched, can you fancied the ordinary female kid of a civilian's house, again don't want to hurt that the rich family of the infatuated one is female to you, then two, three men and women's launched great waves strong open of love book.However deny?"
Pa Pa ring out an applause, is Wang Shi and wood green mountain 2 people to rise red face, hear the this time words that Chen Fei speaks, can not control feelings of summon up Zhang.
Wang Shi intentionally extrudes facial expression with adoring look to make fun of a way:"Is fatty, you***how don't compose novel, you the natural endowments of this aspect was really too a stick.If you compose novel to deliver to this net that station go up, Lao Tze definitely holds your field."
Ling Lin Feng puts a hand way:"I just don't fall in love with what common female kid, I just don't want to hurt her, don't want to hurt her just."Mumblingly say in, imperceptibly have already flopped down on the table, see an end now, Ling Lin Feng was an of the most extremely capacity for liquor in 711 dormitories.
This wine had been drinking till later half of the night, 4 people are all dizzy, Chen Fei and wood green mountain O.K. a point, Ling Lin Feng and Wang Shi already completely become unconscious.The one person rises a , four what people hobbled came out bar.
The air of tonight by surprise of tediousness, pitch darkly disappear one silk starlight in the sky, four talented person bar doorway, copper size money's raindrop has already heavily hit to fall in everybody's body.
Want to change a sky, Chen Fei and wood green mountain hurriedly tie~upped a car and blocked the private who rain, one person hands 1 and get on the car to go straight to west Chu's university but go.
This pouring rain come have no badge trillion, the garage arrives a half, the cruelty raindrop,Beats by Dre BMW,such as Piao, sprinkles the street of sort to brush at the car window on, the visibility out of the window immediately declines to lowest, the driver teacher drove to become very careful to get up.Invite half hour after, two privates carried 4 people to west the Chu university bull pen down stairs.
Once paid car money, Chen Fei carried Wang Shi, the wood green mountain wears Ling Lin Feng, 4 people climb ascend the seventh floor, returned to warm dormitory.
On being stained with bed, Wang Shi and Chen Fei then shouts to sleep.The wood green mountain throws Ling Lin Feng return up spreads, oneself also just climb to go to bed, put out the light, building way inside immediately calmness come down, ear leaves the even but emollient stertor of a certain fatty.
The pouring rain out of the window is still continuing, but the breeze is to more pare off more fierce, the shouted information sends out sharp rant outside the window and reach still don't calculate, the thunder and lightning also comes to gather together a jollification.
Bomb the thunder of Long billowing linger in the ears since then.The sharp-edged lightning often slices open blue sky and gleam this utter darkness of dead hour.Wood green mountain somehow or other, some minds not and rather, straight-tempered sit to start, hope the thunder and lightning out of the window to hand over to add.
A flash of lightning rows to fall vast sky and bombs!A deep-fried thunder seems and then falls in the campus and shake each glass window the Se Se keep ring, if the ear encounters a daunt, the wood green mountain could not help getting a fright as well, really is that the might of heaven is difficult to measure, the absolute power in front in great universe, the strength of mankind's oneself is really small and weak to be pitiful.Clinical Ling Lin Feng is recorded by this to fall thunder surprised must suddenly start to sit, eyes circle Zheng.
Hoped one eye just foolish Chou wear oneself deep-fry the wood green mountain of corpse sort, again swept one this crary weather outside the eye window, Ling Lin Feng peeps out the smile of angel's sort toward the wood green mountain, the morrow incredibly below touches an a piece of notebook battery from the pillow, three seconds after, Ling Lin Feng's notebook screen starts sending out a You blue glow-in-the-dark again.
The net habit greatly becomes so, really don't know to use what come to describe more a little bit better.The wood green mountain is also musted sleep not to wear to feel by this crazy thunder lightning flash inn, state of mind confused deliberation, a short while thoughts of secret place in of that depends on a huge tree, in a short while again think of heel in the old matters in the mountain, the old cow Guan's one more will think of is two female kids, even connect a week to enjoy in response to the Qiao son and Tang Xue Wan that stunning sort returns to Mou a smile to also slowly present from the heart bottom.The wood green mountain secretly laughs, oneself in fact doesn't be regarded as a very crude and uncivilized person, oneself probably has a heart of sensitive.Always want to one day return to somehow or other, probably that small small village returns remain, probably old cow Guan also Zheng wear that dizzy Huang Zhuo Hei's old eye, from the ground in plane a delicate sweet potato, then use sleeves malicious strength wipe two times, pass oneself's in front.
This a moment, the wood green mountain suddenly thinks of old cow Guan very much and thinks of the sweet taste of that delicate sweet potato in Shan-li very much.
"To, so strong rains and winds, don't know as well that crazy old man how!"The wood green mountain is in mind to soliloquize a way, probably is proceed from a rightness of old cows Guans of keep boon Mo Chi Nan of speech to forget, connect to take wood green mountain to have one silky hair to all old men from respect and good care of heart bottom.Associating is actual, he on the contrary has some to worry so strong rains and winds and sees the crazy old man of back door also and don't know what's the matter.
Chapter 58 falls thunder to wildly give or get an electric shock a night frightened
Took a look time, already about at 4:00 A.M., after drinking run into nightlong rains and winds, unexpectedly connect all of the fellings going to bed at 1:00 to have no, get up to at the right moment see the crazy old man dance stick at 5:00 at ordinary times, now just at 4:00, wood green mountain how anyway could not sleep as well.
Think to be straight-tempered could not sleep, rather see that crazy old man, this old man person pours pretty good, is a brain to have a little very strange, so strong rains and winds, sky surprised thunder lightning flash, with his crazy strength, what will doing not know be doing?
Wood green mountain mold faintness the paste have already grown a felling, it is definitely similar to oneself to go crazy this time old man don't go to bed, as for person at do what, is going to and see to just know, besides the old man sees oneself like in the morning go to return clothes of, the current time also differs isn't too many.
Thought of here, the wood green mountain turns over the bed in body, packed a paper bag of the body old man Gua Shan that the crazy old man wear for oneselfs to lift on the hand and lightly drew back a Dian to rise feet to slip away to go out.
The dark shadow of together fast disease from the western Chu university of the empty none person hasty Lue inside the campus but lead, the rains and winds still didn't reduce, intensive of the raindrop lent breeze power suddenly front suddenly after, suddenly left suddenly right, call the person avoid have no can avoid.
It happened that wood green mountain's going out has never had the habit to take to take and have to distribute feet Ya and push the speed to the extreme achievement and rush toward back door in the school with all strength.
Run about wildly in this strong breeze shower, often mix up with a way surprised thunder lightning flashes, the sweat mixs rain water, in the world of this utter darkness, on the other hand feel own moving illusion that the kind and this crary environment mix for the integral whole of being matchless and infinitesimal, having again on the other hand.Wood green mountain feels whole body Han the Chang sprinkle Li and have already grown unspeakable happy.Finally ran to the back door, lent a Tu like the lightning flash of its end.Far farseeing wear old man ground the door open widely and free to strong breeze to blow plank in the door to get back to flutter, in the wood green mountain heart a surprised, the foot again delivers dint and sprints the doorman of going crazy the old man.
House inside still simple get an eye be to the utmost good enough to sweep, everything all with daytime nothing important difference, is just little the crazy old man is just,Beats By Dre In Ear.In the wood green mountain heart a tight, wonder the oneself's true felling work properly wonderful, that crazy old man at the midnight again go out to grow crazy?
Put the clothes in the hand to the table up, the wood green mountain walks to doorway.At this time rains and winds well became weak some, but the thunder and lightning is more and more strong.Wildly the way way electricity keeps splitting but descends, the falling of ear thunder almost has never stopped Jie to lead.This kind of ghost the weather.It is some to pay attention to in the countryside.The aged often reads Dao, this was the god of thunder is accepting bad person, fall thunder not Related articles:

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