Wednesday, November 14, 2012

beats dr dre I shakeMy i

However jump badly, that is a kind of very pleased felling.See, elder brother Yu and his relation are also not very general.Is alas, elder brother Yu, you sleep what feel, make of the somebody else want to ask some things to all don't go.
However, wait I to arrive Chang-an, may run into greatly in disorder, calculate, Dong Zhuo is clay-cold, greatly disorderly rise.Although, this trouble is the idea of of Gu Yi, let two bastards use, can he also for protecting a life.Is alas, I still not is going to take care of the affair of emperor, anyway the Gu Yi can't occupy, either, I by this time go and run into greatly in disorder, beat also not BE, not beat also not BE, perhaps still could not see Gu Yi.I or seek Cao to hold, don't want to delay time, is the later affair and the rise.
Come out from the wild king, directly lead yellow river, I rush Pu sun city but go.Have already heard that the white that the Cao holds to greatly hurt black mountain rounds and relieves Huang Jin Jun to hope cantonal threat to the Yuan Shao on the road.Yuan Shao happy remaining, seal Cao to hold to allow the east county district magistrate, actually be want Cao to hold to guard front door for him.Can hold to the Cao to say, at the right moment had own site, can develop own influence.Now this time, the Cao holds should just arrive to take office here, but his county mansion by the side of the yellow river up of eastern county.
This time, all troops and horseses all in the confused conflict, you kill me today, I tomorrow kill you, many bad persons also touch fish in Hun water, true bitterness common people.What I went up north also has no all the way carefree, run into robbing common people, my of course not is getting hander goes limp.Anyway in the chaotic, person like this, die one more, the common people are subjected to less some offense, I can be different from elder brother Yu so kindness.In addition to killing bad person for some common people, again conveniently order a bad matter, Xi, nature is kill rich benefit poverty, I am very poor, similar to me the very poor person is a lot of, help the majority, only have sacrifice a handful of men.Say again, I want to do the affair need much money, so ……wait while arriving eastern outside yellow river near the bank in the county city, I was already 191 years of October.
Although is a season of gold autumn, can Central plains the earth up still the prospects of one depression.Elder brother Yu says of to, the chaotic is the satge of hero, hero, not the hope of common people!For the sake of the kindness in the heart of elder brother Yu, escape from distress soon for the sake of the common people, I must make an effort to help Cao to hold unification world.
Walk on the yellow river near the bank, I looking at miserable prospects in the distance, not from read a poem:"Country destroyed country at, city spring the plant is deep.Feeling the flower splash tears and hate don't the bird is shocking.The war signal connects March, book in the house arrives ten thousand golds.The hoary head scarts shorter, Hun desire extremely Zan."
The Tu listens to someone yelling:"Good phrase.Is unfortunately too sad, should not be your youth like this BE."
When I turned head to see, a white horse, the Duo wore one person to walk in the middle, several people surround, were following yellow river near the bank to step water since then.The horse is a good horse, I seem where once saw.What about person?Is very natural and unrestrained, good imposing style, his smiling face good ……unspeakable flavor, benignity medium take one silk desolate, one silk melancholy, and 1 kind gives up me it whose arrogant.I looking at him, not from get the heart palpitates speed, feeling the face is last to get a fever, this kind of felling very strange.
The bearer walks to me nearby:"This small brothers, make of good phrase!Boon, country destroyed country at, city spring the plant is deep.Feeling the flower splash tears and hate don't the bird is shocking.Ah, chaotic in is also helpless!"
I hope him and keep searching memory in the heart, who should this person be?His facial appearance I some impressions all have no, just this qualities, seem Cao to hold, to, he should be a Cao to hold.Is quite good, elder brother Yu saw at the time that Cao held for the first time, the Cao held already 50 many year old, the Cao in nowadays holds just 30 many year old, no wonder that I have no impression.
The bearer sees my Leng Leng of, appearance didn't respond, thought to is oneself to frighten me, hurriedly compensate be not:"I am sorry, small brothers, whether we disturbed you and had already let you frightenned to frighten."
I am puckery however a smile:"Is male to wait come of suddenly, I am to frighten, however, I am just just missing you's identity."
Bearer cachinnation:", You can think of me am who?"
I hope his eyes and say with smile:"If at under think quite goodly, you should the Cao hold, the Cao Meng is virtuous."The bearer is obviously some shocked:"Is quite good, I am exactly a Cao to hold, do you how can know me?"
I shake:"My incognizant you, however as well hear that the district magistrate that here and newly arrivedly destroy completely Huang Jin makes the Cao hold.You of the view, in high spirits, the generosity of spirit is extraordinary, hence have this to read.BE having never admitted mistake so much, unusually lucky also."
The Cao holds to looking at me, the air falls grave:"Have never thought, you small age, unexpectedly have understanding like this, see to your literary grace uncommon, the knowledge is also not general.Hold to please to ask you, what come, go toward where?"
My one step doesn't let the ground looking at his eyes:"Male speech bad also, common saying says, don't in the year there is ambition high, ability and learning of how much, isn't what age can decide.Although I am young, it is thus clear that know, perhaps you after death of many all not equal to I."
My talk big to let the Cao hold big interested in, however he still not too believes that I will have what big skill, is ha ha a smile:"Is quite good, is hold speech of Be getting notter appropriate."Pure polite remarks.
Looking at his speech not from the heart appearance, I heart way, not order true thing for you, anticipate you also not know my skill, since I am to come to throw yours, should also dewdrop true effort.Thought of here, I am tiny tiny a smile:"Meng virtuous Mr. now like leave the male eagle of nest,beats dr dre, take off the strong horse of Jiang, is exactly exhibition wings Gao Fei, natural and unrestrained dash about of time, smallly congratulate you here."
The Cao holds to get a shock and keeps staring ground to looking at me:"Indeed as expected is just that the youth is handsome, since you has like this experience, would like to with me return to mansion detailed talk, hold to wish to accept."I originally be came to seek yours, this suggested to be matching my idea, noded approval naturally and ascended a horse to proceed together with it.
The Cao holds to no longer say more, just lifts eyes to take a distant look and sighs a way:"The poem phrase that childe does though a bit desolate, however also match at this time of view, alas."
I nod:" Such as however is the miserable prospects that looking at river's shores, thought of Luo sun the city is just."
"Oh, you call such as?The Luo sun person's surname?"
I shake head:"I am often the mountain person's surname, word son cloud.Some ex- days pass by Luo sun city, alas, there is really wretched.Dong Zhuo is this person to really bring calamity to the country and the people of generation, the big fellow river's mountain originally already the rains and winds are dimly discernible, even drive it makes thousand Chuangs 100 bores, and is hard to tidy up."
The Cao holds also and sighs very long:"Originally you word son cloud!Your speech contains reason, misery of country, is this Evil-doer.Hating my generation can not early kill it."
I know that the Cao holds to hate most of but isn't Dong Zhuo, but He Jin, throw it like, say:"Dong Zhuo damns naturally, however, in my opinion, truely damn of the person is generations, such as He Jin and Yuan Shao...etc., there is no one silk skill, will disturb domestic affairs and bring calamity to the country and the people."
Indeed as expected, the Cao held a while interest to come:"The Sir unexpectedly holds person of same belief middleman, the He Jin this person fruit is to accomplish anything shortage, hurt matter enough to spare.River's mountain is such and such, all is harmed by this ordinary person."I secretly steal to smile, a cannon beats to ring, the childe became a Sir, Hey.
My wreath attends to on all sides and asks a way:"View with male person all the heroic spirit thrive, gentleman can be if introduce 12."The Cao holds 1:"Hold to forget also."Originally follow behind his is his clan relatives:Cao Hong, Cao Ren, summer Hou 惇 , summer Hou Yuan etc., there is also Chen Gong.The others are O.K. some, I to the Hou 惇 in summer but is to feel very kind, the heart knows the belly is clear this by all means is elder brother Yu's feelings.By this time of the summer Hou 惇 haven't lost one eyes and arrive some heroic spirits also are handsome.This appearance , without one eyes, can hardly see.
Arrive at a county mansion, the Cao holds a hasty life person to prepare feast, invite me to seat at table.I smile speech:" Such as juniority, this the alcohol together but not and very know, Mr. feels at home."Give according to elder brother Yu in fact my memory, he likes drinking very much.However, owing to I the reality of daughter's body, the wine much and necessarily has been already lost, still carefully order like.
The Cao holds cachinnation:"The wine is a man true colors, son Mr. Yun still learns well."
I shake head:"Do not learn let it be.The man true colors lies in setting up an achievement to establish a career and drink alcohol, can then drink it, not ability then, doesn't matter.Condition Related articles:

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