Wednesday, November 21, 2012

cnn a ball of R �� umu

People walk out go to the opposite Zhou Ziwei in the five meters around the place stop down s èy īn coldRushuang at Zhou Ziwei said : I coming to you and s ī bucket,nor to plot your I is the dragon group recognized fight master ,think can you talk about martial arts skills ,I have no name .
.. ... Because the dragon group according to age ,I was in the fifth row ,so they called me dragon five ! , relationresultPoof ,heard this guy so cattle B word out, week who lived almost conditions sh è ahead will be dropped .
relationresultDragon five!This name but Zhou Ziwei past once worshipped a movie character !Never thought ... ... , the body no two kg R ò uguy also dare to call the name it is really a bit uppity !relationresultWell .
,cnn.. ... Do you mean to say ... ... You and I want to talk about ? , Zhou Ziwei looked up and down the long happy eyes ,eyes hidden behind the piercing chill ,a faint with a strong feeling of oppression ,but this eye ,he stared dragon five feel some are self care .
relationresult,Facebook,if you are a man please don ! Dragon five is Zhou Ziwei eyes swept away ,instead of being scared, but more bucket to high-spirited up ,looks like this week if not he who lived under the two act ,,he said nothing !relationresultZhou Ziwei wassomewhat interested and looked dragon five one times, until the Dragon five by his strange eyes see all some uncomfortable even suspected that Zhou Zisheng will not be on he produced what special interests when the week before ,who lived slightly nodded ,and then looked at the bullet ,asked : dear leader ,like the Dragon five to challenge things like this should not be regarded as a member of the O group Xi ǎs ībucket?This ,if I challenge .
Would violate Xi ǎ Ogroup what rules ? , relationresultThe bulletslightly frowned ,and said: if the Xi ǎ Ogroup members in a party to challenge another person ,is this normal collaborative training ,of course not to violate the rules ,of course .
.. ... You can choose to allow can also choose not to promise .If you are not willing to challenge it, no one will force you to nature . , Oh ,it is . week ,who lived Wenyan grinning scratched his head ,said : however ,if just vapid fights seem to have little meaning ,do not know what I agree with his challenge at the same time ,can add a bit of luck !Ha-ha.
Just ,like ,I don bet on anything else, as long as he lost to me, later when I see to call on the eldest brother, or is the boss ,you can !Conversely ,if I lost it so long five brothers ,you will be my boss !Ha-ha.
How dragon five ,you bet you dare not bet ! , relationresultSorry.Let me you this Xi ǎ obreak a child called boss? Dragon five I was at her eyes ,as if the words of Zhou Ziwei gave him a great insult ,hate not immediately started to put this dare to offend his ignorance Xi ǎ oto slap .
relationresultZhou Ziwei is naturallynot be dragon five this pair of devils appearance to scare ,just snorts, double eyelids ,said : if you ,my this Xi ǎ obroken child beat it, then call me boss can how? You can beat me .
Then when the boss is you !Of course. If you think you will lose ... ... So don it ! Ha-ha. I see you this Xi ǎ ofart is it right? Crazy !I will give you five so a Xi ǎ ofart .
.. ... Ha-ha. Dragon five ,as heard in the world the most ridiculous joke ,was systemic skeleton in the pitter-patter of sound .relationresultOK.If you want to bet, then I long five and you bet a ,if you can beat me ,I will deny you the Dragon five the boss can how? , relationresultVerynice.
Then ,google... ... Here we go again ... ... , relationresultZhou Ziwei sawthe Dragon five promised to come down ,do not want to L à ngtime ,immediately backwards a few not ,went to the Xi ǎ othe middle of the room stood up space ,such as dragon five .
relationresultHere ?Here is it right? Is too narrow a few ? Dragon five some doubt Hu òlooked around ,see here although space than the average house is spacious ,but after all, is also the interior ,but not the kind used for sports in transport ,dynamic indoor ,fight in here .
If it is simply to play on !relationresultYou Right here ! Zhou Ziwei laughed ,and said: as a special forces ,the natural habit of any kind of combat environment to know that the enemy is not possible prior to give you a chance to pick the battlefield ! , relationresultGood here here ! Dragon five pre vertical to stare at Zhou Ziwei said: want a piece of me? It is for you to beat me ! , relationresultDragon fiveand suddenly jump ,double Tu ì Jislightly curved ,in mid-air ,had already been exhaled sound ,heavy attack ,is actually in Psalm ch ū nboxing arrow fist .
relationresultAnd thepeople did not personally felt Zhou Ziwei momentum caused by the pressure ,so most people just take Zhou Ziwei as a but with a perspective of power Xi ǎ ochild with .
relationresultAt this timeto see the Dragon five as dragon group fight master ,not only active to challenge Zhou Ziwei and so on a five or six year old Xi ǎ ochild has seemed to go to all lengths more is to seize the initiative ,to attack !relationresultIt was just aXi ǎ o!A dielectric ,preschool children .
,dragon five the kung fu master and a Xi ǎ Ochildren started to have wrong but also to seize the offensive the more outrageous ,where there is a generation of master !Look at the wind dragon five piercing punch ,everyone without exception was shaking his head ,not even worry about will Zhou Zisheng in dragon five the blow ,just smashed flat smash into a ball of R ò umud !relationresultHowever insome heart soft was just about to burst out when is always standing there ,are also not long five Tu ì Jihigh Xi ǎ Ochildren suddenly also sink sound drink one sentence: come good ! Immediately after the edge ,facing the Dragon five the top-down crazy falling fist grab on a step ,subsequently pinching waist left-handed forward ,then in front of their own Dangle gently just drew a circle is like a fish swimming in the water in general stirred a circle of ripples . Related articles:

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