Thursday, November 15, 2012

Facebook fic of small Ye

Say, 282 silvers, are you enough?Does this enough cure the herbal medicine fee of that old man's house?"
The man that mourns an eye asks:"Boy, you think to how much?"
Other men all mutually see startled, wish:This runt can't be silly?
"I say that having no 100 is several 12 how also not enough."
"Is quite good!Boy, you take 100 several 12 come out, we make you past right away."
Small monster again past make Ya however:"What?How did you want silver toward me?I am to want to you!"
"Boy!What do you say?Want a silver toward us two?"
"BE ah!I clearly see you push this old man's house to the road in the center and make him fall down, this silver you not, call who?So!You totally seven people, everybody's 22, totally 142 silvers, be is fall down for this old man's house to frighten a fee."
The common people of on all sides view have some to smile and have of can not control feelings ground to shout bravo, beginning they see this rascal loafer blackmail silver two behaviors, have no 1 dare to make a noise.
Mourn eye man to shout at top of voice:"Boy!Did you want to seek to die?"
The small monster says:"Ah!You don't loudly shout!Luckily this old man's house just frightens to fall down, didn't get hurt.If he got hurt, you took out of be not 142, but 1,402, if he bumped for wagon to die, first you the mourn eye man will compensate his old man's house of a life!Is other of get cover with hemp to wear a filial piety and guard last home for three years and bring up his[one] size of old man's house and finish guarding for three years, last home, still have to serve prison term, I didn't speak amiss?"
Mourn eye man almost to the small monster spirit could not say words, roar:"Give a sound beating this recklessly and blindly do runt for Lao Tze, then killed, left corpse street!"
Immediately 34 men robbed to come up, strike and kick small monster, frighten round people of view to spread out in succession, but in the blink of an eye, these 34 men that rob out, don't know how of, a pours down the avenue, painful must can not climb.
Mourn two loafers of the eye man and rests temporarily whole silly eye, is this what happened?Hit persons of how on the contrary fall flop come, suffer beating of but smile happily of still keep standing, have no a matter similar, they clearly see these 34 people a coax but up, do the boxing feet toghter kick indiscriminately toward the wild blow of runt body?These rascal where know that the small monster has the whole body the effort for being not afraid of a dozen and beats terribly, inside the dint more disappear quickly, these inside dint, all transfered into inside the body of small monster, on the contrary increased small monster of inside dint, regrettable these two rascals almost have no how much of inside dint, whole sucked dry for small monster all of a sudden, became whole body have no the least bit physical strength, the small monster don't begin feet at all, once the body tremble, they then and all pour on the ground have no the physical strength climb and seemed to suffer from a big disease.
The small monster is still past to make surprise:"Yi!How did you beat?Stem all pick next?"He and then toward mourning an eye to say:"Good!They don't beat!It's your turn 3 to beat me!Come!Don't be polite."
This not only watches on all sides for a while of people's consternation not already, even the small nail, bookworm and chess son also saw silly eye, this small monster does whole body what weird effort?It isn't afraid to beat.Being a Wan son is also surprising, lightly ask small fairy:"Three elder sisters float an elder brother to really have the whole body the effort for being not afraid of a dozen!"
Mourn eye man foolish a long time, ask:"Boy!You meeting evil doctrine?"
The small monster says:"What evil doctrine?I am to like that someone beats me!More beat me to more feel comfortable, come!You don't beat, it's my turn to beat you!"
Mourn an eye to drink two rascals:"Up!Use knife Tong for me, Lao Tze doesn't believe that his evil doctrine can block live knife,google!"
These two rascals pull out dazzlingly clear bayonet shot.Hurtle up disorderly Tong of the body of dynasty small monster, they in addition to a brutish looks and have some pretty dint, absolutely have no the least bit the recruit type fighting skill can talk.Although say that the blind boxing can kill teacher's father,mainly mean the momentary gist of fighting skill and didn't take precautions against just, a have fighting skill and again take precautions against of martial middleman wood, how can't shoot for these brutish Tu beards stabbing disorderly Tong, either.So the small monster body form is one Shan, a little bit display the achievement of unreal image evil hands, not only moved out of the way, made them stab to win the other party each other more, one gives stung to win arm, a harmed thigh for Tong, the doubles double all bellowed, surprised get double the double leave.
Small monster but say:"Yi!How did you stab medium you,cnn?Can't?"
This mourns an eye to more believe that the small monster had an evil doctrine of fearfulness for a while!Even the knife is also not afraid, evil get oneself stab and wound his/her own person.Small monster but beckon with the hand to say to him:"They are two sparse inside careless of connect Tong person also can't, Tong arrive oneself's Human body went up!Or yourself come to my Tong I good!"
Mourn an eye to feel his/her own whole body fine hair to keep Shu and take a bayonet to repeatedly retreat to say:"You don't come over, I will the Tong died you."He observes circumstances far from good, want to turn round to turn around but escape.
The small monster body form is one Shan, suddenly arrived at his in front, on stretching hand, not only the bayonet Duo in the his hand come over, grasp more to have him, as throwing to kill a dog throw down the avenue, mourn an eye to bellow a , a leg bone also falls and breaks and harms more miserably than all loafers.The small monster still doesn't pass him, a feet step on his chest and used bayonet to in the moment sway to sway and ask at him:"You still want not to want a silver now two?"
Mourn an eye to frighten at this time scare to death, even the pain also forgot, it called:"Small ancestor, little grandpa, I didn't dare any further from now on and begged you to pass me."
The small monster says:"Kill you?I feel than kill a dog still dirty, the small Ye can pass you today, if from now on dare again to humiliate civilian common people on this town son, the blackmail friendly intercourse vehicle or pedestrian, by that time, I not is fall and break you a leg, but the neck that wrenches off you!Doesn't your letter believe?"
"Believe!Believe!The mean person doesn't dare any further!"
"Roll!Roll a part for small Ye to go, don't block the traffic of small Ye."
"BE!BE!The mean person rolls."This mourns eye man and endures pain silently ground to climb to a part to go, as for other loafer rascals have already disappeared a trace and shadow.
Small monster the bayonet that the Duo come over, the dark dint inside the luck is one earthquake, immediately shake a segment ground drop down and toss the bayonet handle leaving to mourn an eye of front of, say:"Are you this bayonet, can kill people?Connecting to cut paper can not also cut!"Finish saying, jump up wagon, say to the small nail:"Uncle Ding !We walk!"
"BE!Young master."
Small nail one Lei Ma Jiang "urge"ed a , horsewhip in the sky on jilting, "Pa" of a , the horse raises four hoofs, the car Lin Lin ground rolls over but goes to.
The small monster asks:"Uncle Ding !What town does this small town call?"
"Wu Lian Zhen!"
"How there are so some rascal loafers in small town of?"
Small nail a smile:"Young master, which small town up have no some rascal loafers?Just that the young master didn't meet with."
The Mo drop of bookworm takes in reponse to say:"The emperor has no way inability nowadays, the eunuch walks sideways, authorities have no dint, some criminals, seize an opportunity to oppress the village people!These not the matter produce of rascal loafer, can be said to be much extremely to raise."
The small fairy asks:"Two childes!If you met with how these rascals loafers for racketeering do?"
Bookworm again wry smile is for a while:"At under have what way?Can avoid to then avoid, can endure to then endure, cost money some silvers two calculated for them, bought a peace."
The Wan son asks:"If you gave them some silvers two, they still need to extort more silvers two, how do you do again?"
"Can't of, these rascal loafer usually the E arrive a silver two go, besides in the busy streets of in broad daylight, they don't dare as well a but again, again but three, if so, they aren't a rascal loafer, but the robber that publicly robs, the robber generally doesn't dare under the in broad daylight of rob in the busy streets."
The small monster says:"You so, be not tolerate them to racketeer other people more,Facebook, make their courages more and more big?"
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